Nursing Team Competition Eligibility:
Each team will be composed of three (3) nurses who must function in the hospital setting. Nurses must work for the hospital they are competing with. One (1) team member must be the team captain. Each team may have one (1) alternate as a fourth member who may observe but not participate in the scenario during the competition.
Grading Criteria:
Scenario grading is based upon, but not limited to the most current editions of the following references as of January 1, 2024:
- Lippincott, Nursing 2024 Drug Handbook
- 2020 American Heart Association (AHA) Guidelines
- Advance Cardiac Life Support, AHA Guidelines
- Pediatric Advanced Life Support, AHA Guidelines
- Trauma Nurse Core Course, 9th Edition
- Emergency Nurse Pediatric Course, 6th Edition
- U.S. Standards for weights and measures as stated in reference material.
- Introduction to Incident Command System ICS 100, ICS 200 & ICS 700
- HazMat for Hospital Operations, OSHA CFR 1910.120
Equipment: General Guidelines
All equipment and supplies used for the competition will be inspected upon arrival at the staging area. All competitors must adhere to the following equipment guidelines:
- Each team member is encouraged to wear his/her agency uniform or other identifying clothing.
- All team members will be required to adhere to any infection disease protocols. Facemasks are optional unless directed by the Department of Health and the FTFC Committee.
- All team members will be allowed to use their own stethoscope, gloves, goggles, pocket masks, scissors, and other personal protective equipment (PPE). Other PPE must be approved in writing by 5/27/2024 which is 2 weeks prior to the competition start date 6/10/2024). The total number of carry-in equipment (bag / box / backpack) may not exceed One (1) per person. Individual fanny packs, containing gloves, pocket mask, scissors, may be worn and will be counted as a carry-in equipment. If any equipment other than what is previously listed or not approved PPE is found in a fanny pack, it will be removed prior to the competition.
- The alternate team member will not be allowed to carry any equipment into the scenario that will be used by the team during the competition.
- Teams must provide for safe and appropriate disposal of their sharps. Improper disposal will result in a deduction in points (amount listed on the scoring sheets).
- Each team member must have their own equipment. Sharing of equipment will not be permitted.
- No mechanical CPR, ventilation devices, or automatic BP cuffs, will be permitted.
- No charts, drug cards, rulers, measuring or counting devices, or calculators will be allowed except for a length-based pediatric resuscitation tape.
- No computers, PDA’s, pagers, radios, cell telephones and/or smart watches will be allowed while sequestered. These items will be collected upon sequestering and returned at the end of the competition. We encourage you to leave these items in your personal vehicle.
Equipment: Provided by the Nursing Competition Committee
The following equipment will be available at each scenario station for use by the competitors.
- Complete Emergency Room set up will be provided. Examples include but not limited to; Heart monitor, Defibrillator, Pulse Oximeter, Glucometer, Thermometer (electronic), ETCO2, Oxygen, Laryngoscope, and Suction machine.
Equipment: Configuration Guidelines
- Drug boxes may contain medications of sufficient type and quantity to manage a scenario based upon the references listed in this document.
- Actual drug solutions may not be present; however, bags, syringes or vials may be filled with water or other safe solutions in the correct quantity and clearly labeled with name, volume, and concentrations.
- All IV supplies and solutions must remain in their original packaging.
Equipment: Simulating Equipment
- All simulated equipment will be clearly marked as to its intended use. If simulated equipment is used, it will be of comparable size and shape to the actual device.
Video Taping:
Videotaping of your team’s scenario will be allowed but must be done by the alternate (4th) team member. Videotapes will not be allowed as a basis for a judging challenge.
Body Substance Isolation Defined:
Throughout the competition, body substance isolation (BSI) devices should be used as appropriate and as designed. Failure to utilize safety devices as designed will result in a loss of points. Additional precautions could be required based on a particular scenario.
Sharps disposal will be considered appropriate if performed in a manner that does not expose team members or other people to any potential danger and does not contaminate other equipment (i.e. one- handed recapping or disposal into a sharps container).
Scenario Performance:
- Teams will be afforded sufficient time prior to their patient arrival. While the patient is in route to the scenario, teams should be collecting their thoughts and don necessary equipment.
- Procedures must be performed in as realistic manner as possible, verbalized and in real time.
- Team members will receive information and feedback from a clearly defined Feedback Judge. A Feedback Judge will be linked to a specific patient. Scoring Judges will not converse with you and will be assigned to a specific patient. Each scenario will have a clearly defined Lead Judge who will provide information if needed.
- During patient assessment, examination elements will only be scored when verbalized and simultaneously performed in real time for the judge. Physical exams that are not clearly verbalized will not elicit a response from the Feedback Judge or the patient.
- Competitors may request appropriate back-up personnel as deemed necessary. You will be advised at the time of the request of the availability of these resources and their arrival time frames.
All decisions made by the competition committee and competition judges are final. Remember we are here to learn first and ready ourselves for the Nursing competition year second.
Competition Awards:
- Final Scenario
- Only 10 Nursing Teams will compete. Teams will be allowed to pick their slot in which they compete based on the order in which they register (i.e., First come First serve). Mandatory sequestering will be in effect for all competitors until competes time.
- An announcement of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place awards in no specific order will be announced following the competition day. Final awards will be announced after the ALS Competition Final Scenario. Location and time to be determined.
Behavior Code:
- If it is discovered that any team member does not work for the organization which they are competing for, the team will be disqualified from the Competition and all Competition awards or prizes. The team will also forfeit all registration fees for the First There First Care Conference.
- The Team Captain will be personally responsible for the behavior of all members from his/her service. If any member of the competing team is asked to leave a public area or hotel room for aggressive or disorderly behavior by the staff of the hotel, FTFC Competition security or K2 Nursing Competition administrative personnel, then that entire team will be asked to leave. The team will be disqualified from the Competition and all Competition awards or prizes. The team will also forfeit all registration fees for the First There First Care Conference.
- Team members will be responsible for the behavior of any guest brought to the Competition.
- Team members will be personally responsible for their individual behavior, within socially acceptable parameters.
The Nursing Competition Co-Chairs reserve the right to disqualify any team for any behavior or actions deemed inappropriate and un-sportsman like; this includes evidence of unethical actions, both during and after the Competition.
Please note: Any nursing competitor must not compete in the ALS competition simultaneously. The Nursing Competition Co-Chairs reserve the right to disqualify any team, if a competitor is found to be competing in both the nursing and ALS competition.
Health & Safety Precautions:
All attendees to the 2024 First There, First Care/Gathering of Eagles Conference must acknowledge that they will adhere to all public health safety precautions and requirements as set forth by the State of Florida, Broward County and the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. Please be aware that these precautions may be modified as the dates draw closer.